
Office Zombie Apocalypse
adult coloring book

The soul-crushing corporate culture can turn any office into a zombie-infested wasteland.

Download, Print & Color Now


Ever felt like the state of the office coffee machine reflects the morale of your workplace?

Or sat through long meetings that could've been emails, while dreaming of a better world?

🙅‍♂️ Now's your chance to color away those soul-sucking office memories.

a collage of all the pages in the coloring book
Dive into 21 colorable pages of office scenarios that make endless emails seem like a treat.


Before the corporate world turns you into a mindless zombie, give yourself a relaxing coloring session.

👉 Start Your Colorful Escape

What is it?

🛰️ Downloadable: Our coloring books are 100% digital, which means instant gratification.

🖨️ Ready to Print: Crystal-clear PDFs guarantee sharp lines for your artistic side. Download, print, grab that coffee, and start coloring.

🖍️ Your Coloring, Your Rules: Go wild with colored pencils, splash out with those overpriced markers—or even use that highlighter you "borrowed" from the supply room.

Benefits of Coloring for Adults

Reduce Stress: Swap the screens for coloring—your sanity will thank you!

Boosts Mindfulness: Lose yourself in colors, not in office politics.

Encourages Patience: Because Tiktok is obliterating your attention span.

Uplifts Mood: Feel good without any office drama.

Find refuge in color therapy 🫰

More liberating than hitting the "mute" button on a conference call.

👉Start Coloring Now
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